
TAKRAF Group is constantly developing and improving cutting-edge solutions for our customers with a view to improving efficiency and sustainability. The below news area aims to keep you informed regarding the latest news concerning our Group, from the solutions we provide to other exciting developments – stay tuned!

  • Two TAKRAF Sizers for an Important Project

    The Bosnia-Herzegovina-based company, RMU Banovici d.d., is expanding the overburden handling capacity at one of its mines by installing two…

  • Successful Commissioning of Two DELKOR APIC Jigs

    As of mid-September 2018, the two DELKOR APIC Jigs, supplied by DELKOR earlier in the year, were successfully commissioned at an iron ore…

  • An important material handling project in Canada

    TAKRAF announces the receipt of an important project award for the design and supply of a tandem rotary railcar dumper and the design, supply and…

  • TAKRAF Technology for Rio Tinto at their Paraburdoo Iron Ore Operations

    Rio Tinto Iron Ore has commenced a major sustaining capital project in Paraburdoo, Western Australia, where TAKRAF plays a key role as advanced…

  • TAKRAF and METALLOINVEST Ink Important IPCC System Agreements

    TAKRAF’s significant experience and capabilities in the In-Pit Crushing & Conveying (IPCC) space has positioned the company as an important solutions…

  • Successful Showcase of TAKRAF’s Unique Solutions Offering at Electra Mining Africa 2018

    TAKRAF Africa wraps up a successful Electra Mining Africa 2018, Africa’s largest mining exhibition, which took place from 10-14 September 2018 in…

  • Showcasing Our Technology Offering at Electra Mining 2018

    A Brief View of TAKRAF’s Suite of Equipment and Services at Electra Mining Africa from 10-14 September 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

  • TAKRAF at Electra Mining Africa 2018

    Tenova TAKRAF announces its participation at Electra Mining Africa – the largest mining exhibition of the continent – in South Africa, September 2018.

  • TAKRAF Bags New HPGR Success

    TAKRAF announces the recent receipt of an important project award for the supply of two High-Pressure Grinding Rolls (HPGRs).

  • TAKRAF at IPCC Event in Chile

    On April 26-27, TAKRAF’s experts participated at International Mining’s IPCC event in Chile to present the company’s latest technologies in mining…