
TAKRAF Group is constantly developing and improving cutting-edge solutions for our customers with a view to improving efficiency and sustainability. The below news area aims to keep you informed regarding the latest news concerning our Group, from the solutions we provide to other exciting developments – stay tuned!

  • Commissioning of reclaimers reinforce trust in TAKRAF’s capability by India’s fastest growing conglomerate

    Large TAKRAF bucket-wheel reclaimers customized for challenging conditions at Indian multi-commodity handling facility.

  • TAKRAF ship unloader key to modernization and capacity expansion of Australian bulk terminal

    Supply of new high capacity ship unloader reaches important project milestone with delivery of machine to East coast deep-water port.

  • Material handling system for HBI plant in USA

    TAKRAF supplied material handling equipment for a greenfield HBI production plant that commenced production in the fourth quarter of 2020.

  • India’s longest single flight conveyor represents another TAKRAF milestone for materials handling sector

    Ultra long overland conveyor, designed and installed by TAKRAF India, to supply bauxite to Utkal’s alumina plant.

  • Further order for three barrel (drum) reclaimers from a major Indian steel producer

    A new order for a further three machines confirms TAKRAF’s barrel reclaimer technology for reliable and trouble-free raw material reclaiming…

  • TAKRAF sizers reinforce reputation for high performance

    Reliable sizer operation and low wear result in high machine uptime and productivity at a large bauxite operation in Guinea.

  • Materials handling for cement sector places continued trust in TAKRAF technologies

    Leading Indian cement producers place six major contracts for TAKRAF materials handling equipment.

  • Connect with us on social media

    TAKRAF Group now online on social media platforms including LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

  • DELKOR clarifiers retrofitted at Argentinian commercial steel manufacturing facility

    Customized DELKOR thickening technology for improved water treatment and water recovery.

  • Safety Day 2021

    SAFETYFirst! TAKRAF Group joins the global campaign, World Day for Safety & Health at Work by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the…