25 years of DELKOR India – development and history of DELKOR Thickeners

As part of our content series around this important milestone, we’d like to share with you the highlights around our DELKOR Thickeners.

As part of our celebration around this important milestone, we’d like to share with you the highlights of the development of our DELKOR Thickeners over the past 25 years. 

For almost three decades, DELKOR is one of the leading suppliers of thickeners and its technology. DELKOR’s thickening technology is well proven across various applications and industries. DELKOR has a strong client base, designs thickeners up to 100 m in diameter and has installed more than 1000 thickeners in around 400 locations. 
“DELKOR has developed the capabilities around thickeners by understanding the mining and mineral processing needs of mine owners and operators around the around the world.”, says Bipin Kumar Angadi, Product Specialist (Thickener) at DELKOR India. In TAKRAF Group, DELKOR India plays significant role in engineering and manufacturing of DELKOR Thickeners.

“Our thickeners are also a strategic equipment to support water conservation and environmental sustainability in tailings management and dewatering.”, Angadi adds.

Please enjoy the major projects highlights and successful installations and achievements in the slide show below.

Stay tuned for the upcoming posts of our monthly content series.


Innovation out of tradition – It pays to talk to a specialist!

Development and history of DELKOR Thickeners