
Spreaders are mobile machines that operate at the end of a mining system and continuously  dump or spread material received from a shiftable dump bench conveyor via a tripper car or from mobile transfer conveyors.

Design and operation

Spreaders can be designed as single-boom spreaders, 2-conveyor compact spreaders or conventionally designed spreaders with a rope-suspended discharge boom for deep and high cast operations. The spreader is able to dump a low cast, which will be the travel plateau for one of the following dumping blocks, and a high cast on the other side of the shiftable dump bench conveyor. The main design criterion is the length of the discharge boom, determined by the required dumping height and block width as well as by the properties of the material and associated safety requirements (stability of the dump itself, safety of equipment on the dump).

Main parts of a spreader

The main parts of a spreader are the receiving boom with or without support crawler track, the superstructure, the sub-structure with crawler tracks and the discharge boom. The discharge boom can be fixed, liftable or slewable and is determined by specific operational requirements. 

Our range of TAKRAF spreaders

TAKRAF offers a range of spreaders each designed for their specific application and requirements. These range from spreaders boasting a  compact design to large spreaders with long discharge booms for high and safe dumps. Capacities range up to 20,000 m³/h, with discharge boom lengths reaching 195 m - as built for a large cross-pit spreader in Russia.

Cross-pit spreaders are part of a highly efficient direct dumping system as they receive material directly from a bucket-wheel/chain excavator. The discharge boom of those spreaders reaches over the open pit and transfers material directly onto the dump site. Some of our cross-pit spreaders operate in Russia (8,800 m³/h, 195 m boom length) and Hungary (5,200 m³/h, 165 m boom length).


  • Customer
    Project Name
    Spreader A2Rs (H).5220.55
    Southern Peru Copper Corporation
    Toquepala mine – leach pad

    Toquepala Mine – Leach Pad, Peru

    The spreader was designed to dump a massive leach pad in the irregular deep valleys close to the Toquepala pit. The upstream feeding equipment consists of an extendable and relocateable belt conveyor with a mobile head station on crawlers, a 60 m wheel driven Grasshopper and a 150 m long mobile conveyor bridge. 

    Project figures

    5,220 m³/h
  • Efficiency

    • We're able to provide a wide range of machines ranging from single-boom spreaders, to two-conveyor compact spreaders, conventional spreaders and cross-pit spreaders
  • Safety

    • Design and selection of spreader is determined by the relevant operating conditions (e.g. the properties of the dumped material) and relevant operational, geotechnical and safety requirements


Do you have any questions or would you like further information?
We look forward to your inquiry at: info@takraf.com

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