Environmental and Safety Solutions
Adoption of Dry Stack Tailings (DST) for Sustainable Safety and Environmental Practices for Tailings Management
Dry Stack Tailings (DST) systems are particularly suited to mining operations operating in areas where water conservation is critical – they also provide significant safety and other environmental benefits too.
Water is life. The world’s water is becoming increasingly poorer in quality and a new approach to the manner in which we plan, manage and use water is required, else we are likely to have to deal with water shortages in the not too distant future. As we continue to take access to water for granted, we forget that every drop counts!
Sustainable water management, together with safety, are increasingly important topics for mining operations, investors and all stakeholders around the world; especially in areas where water conservation is critical and/or tailings failure risks are significant.
Demand for domestic, commercial and industrial water is projected to increase and sustainable water management is therefore becoming an increasingly important and challenging issue.