25 years of DELKOR India – 2 million man-hours of zero harm

As part of our content series around this important milestone, we would like to share a remarkable landmark, DELKOR India has achieved - 2 million man-hours of zero harm.

The DELKOR India team in front of the DELKOR India Product Centre in Bengaluru, India.
DELKOR India team at the event – 2 million man-hours of zero harm.

As part of our celebration around this important 25-year milestone, we would like to share that, in the same year DELKOR India has accomplished a remarkable landmark of 2 million safe man-hours without lost time injury (LTI). 

While promoting a shared safety culture in line with zero harm, DELKOR India achieved the remarkable feat of 2 million safe man-hours in July 2024. To commemorate this achievement, a special event was organized at the DELKOR Product Centre. To highlight our approach to building a culture of safety, the theme of the event was “Building a Safety Culture.” 
To show solidarity for the event, all colleagues were given t-shirts and badges emblazed with “Zero harm – 2 million man-hours”. All DELKOR India colleagues from Bengaluru and Kolkata were invited to the event. Colleagues from Kolkata joined the event virtually.
To grace the event, Mr. R. G. Rajan was invited as chief guest. Mr. Rajan is an Author & Columnist, Independent Director on many boards, Independent Consultant & Adviser, Zonal Director, IOD (Institute of Directors), Former Chairman and Managing Director of Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers, National Fertilizer Limited and Projects & Development India Limited, Former Chairman of Fertilizer Association of India and Standing Conference of Public Enterprises. He has 43 years of experience in various industries such as natural gas, chemicals and fertilizers, petrochemicals, etc. in both the public and private sectors.
The event started with the warm welcome of chief guest Mr. R. G. Rajan by Rajiv Krishnamurthy, Managing Director, DELKOR India with the brief introduction of the chief guest and his vision of safety. Mr. Rajan enlightened the audience highlighting the importance of safety in the workplace along with the processes and practices and shared his experiences in this regard.
The event was followed by a spectacular, highly appreciated entertaining drama performance by the blue-collar employees of the DELKOR Product Centre (DPC) with a message on the importance of safety and the right safety practices.
Our DELKOR Product Centre employees performed three skits, each with a message about the importance of safety and safety procedures. These skits conveyed an essential lesson in a fun way. The performances were exceptional and reflected the aim behind creating a safety culture.
Safety is a mindset, and everyone is responsible for safety, nonetheless at this event DELKOR India proudly recognized the safety champions from various sections of DELKOR Product Centre for their contribution in driving safety culture. As a special recognition, Arumugam Somasundaram, Senior Manager - HSE was felicitated for his continuous efforts and contribution in driving safety culture at DELKOR India.
The event was concluded by honoring the chief guest with a special vote of thanks by Somashekara Raju, Vice President – Manufacturing, and thanking all participants and organizers as well as the DPC team for this achievement and looked forward to more achievements in the days to come.
Below are some initiatives towards building a safety culture at DELKOR India,  

  • Toolbox talk: With safety as a priority agenda, the day at the DELKOR Product Center starts with the toolbox talk on the shop floors discussing safety, best practices and improvements. 
  • Near miss & risk reporting: Reporting near misses and risk observations, followed by assignment to the concern for root cause and implementation of corrective actions.
  • Safety walk: Periodic walk-through of work areas by a designated team that observes and reports safety findings. Corrective actions are later initiated by the persons in the work area to improve safety.
  • Safety meeting: A period of time during which a designated team, including both white-collar and blue-collar employees, meets to discuss safety practices, concerns, improvements, and action plans.
  • Safety and environmental standards: To achieve the best safety and environmental standards with continuous improvement.

Safety, in simple terms, to everyone is “to return home the same way you left for work.“  DELKOR is building a culture of safety in which everyone is responsible, compliant and committed to improving it every day.  
Let us continue to “live and work” SAFELY.

Stay tuned for the upcoming posts of our monthly content series.

Innovation out of tradition – It pays to talk to a specialist!

DELKOR India team members at the 2 million man-hours of zero harm event.
DELKOR India team in front of the DELKOR India Product Centre in Bengaluru, India.
DELKOR India team members with their 2 million man-hours of zero harm badges.
DELKOR India celebrating 2 million man-hours of zero harm with a guest of honor, inspiring talks, entertaining skits by the employees, and recognition of safety champions like Arumugam Somasundaram, Senior Manager HSE.